Monday, May 12, 2008

Week Three Wrap-Up

Week Three of the Blitz Build came to a close on Friday afternoon as volunteers put finishing touches on their work for the week, packed up their tools and prepared to head back home.

The six new homes line Remington Road in Kaplan, Louisiana

Week Three participants gather at the beginning of the final day of construction

Richard Buerkle from Memorial Baptist Church in Arlington, Virginia, displays the church's certificate of appreciation from the Baptist World Alliance and Habitat for Humanity for participation in the Blitz Build

On Friday morning, Suzette Bonin, one of the Habitat homeowners, shared with volunteers pictures of her home destroyed by Hurricane Rita.

Volunteers that have come to Kaplan over the past three weeks from churches across the US and Canada have brought Suzette and five other families closer to having simple and decent places to live.

Construction will continue this week. Check back daily for updates and photos!